Stepping out of Self-Sabotage

It's time to embrace the change you deserve!

Have you ever felt like you're taking one step forward only to be pulled two steps back by your own thoughts and behaviors? That's the insidious grip of self-sabotage, the voice of your subconscious that resists change and keeps you tethered to old patterns and a lifestyle that no longer serves you.

But here's the empowering truth: You don't have to be a prisoner of self-punishment, self-abuse, or self-sabotage any longer. It's time to step into the light of transformation and claim the life you truly desire.

✨ Stepping out of Self-Sabotage Session will help you break free from the shackles of self-sabotage. ✨

During this session, we'll explore the roots of self-sabotage, uncover the triggers that keep you stuck, and equip you with powerful tools to rewrite your story. You'll discover that change is not only possible but well within your reach.

Imagine a life where self-sabotage no longer dictates your choices—it’s time to move confidently towards your dreams.

🌟 You have the power to change, and change can happen today! 🌟

4 Modules

How my Intuitive Sessions Work

How my Group Sessions Work:

(Scroll down for auido file)

Hello, Emily Stovall here, intuitive scribe.  I thought it would be important and helpful to include a little section on how my sessions work.  So, if this is your first session with me, here's the background.   I am so excited for you to go through this session and see what you can shift and find relief from.  Before we begin, here is how this session works.  I first access the energy of everyone who has or will purchase this session.  That includes from today till forever.  If you’ve bought this session today it is valid for YOU right now.  While some images or beliefs may not all be 100% just for you, they will all work together for your good in shifting things that you are ready to shift.  You will want to listen or read through this session multiple times for best results.  You can use this session whenever you feel more emotions regarding a specific session coming up, so if it is the boundaries session and you have a boundary issue come up, you may want to go through and listen to the session again.  If it's a money issue, you will want to go through the money session again.  We heal in layers, and as we heal more layers come to the surface for healing.  It is absolutely helpful to repeat a session.  That could mean to repeat it 3 times this week, or as many times as it takes till you feel the work has cleared, or again in 5-10 years when something new is triggered and ready for healing.  These sessions do not expire or have a deadline. You will get out of this session what you put into it, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.  Stepping out in faith to try something new to find healing is a great start! I will also include some tapping scripts and journal prompts that are optional but will bring more healing when you choose to complete them.  These exercises will also help you reclaim or strengthen your own intuition.  As you decide to ask, listen, and act, you will be able to trust yourself more and listen to your own intuition.  

You are a healer; I am a facilitator and am thrilled to assist you today.

Please drink a large glass of water.  We process energy and emotions through physical chemical reactions, through our detox pathways including through our sweat, tears, pee, etc., so drink up!  Even after you've completed a session, you will want to stay hydrated, and I recommend water only.  The energy will process more gently when we are well hydrated.  Spend a moment connecting to yourself before a session, breathe for a moment. Ask your body to witness what is true for you in a session.  You might find yourself yawning, needing to use the restroom, having muscle twitches or spasms, burping, sneezing, or feeling like you want to fall asleep during an intuitive healing session, this is energy shifting and that is a good thing.  If you do fall asleep, you will want to repeat the session till you can stay awake through the whole session, as it’s your subconscious blocking this work.  I will help remove blocks at the beginning of the session, but this is good information to know while you are on your intuitive healing journey. 

None of this work is completed without your participation or permission.  Grab some tissues, a pen and paper, refill your water cup and let’s get started.  Setting the intention that all the work done in this session will process as gently as possible over the correct amount of time for each individual.  Setting the intention that your highest good will be met during this session. 

I wanted to add here, real quick, that if you feel exhausted, overly emotional or out of control, you can't stop crying, you will need to slow down your intuitive healing.  If that means going through one image a day at a time till you can complete a session, that's what that means.  You'll want to tune into your body, listen to how it feels in response to the work. If you find you are feeling overly emotional or stressed, that means, drink more water, that means you need to rest, and pause, and return to the session when you feel ready.  You can also scribble out those feelings, scribbling can be a quick way to remove and process that energy, by setting the intention that scribbling will remove that energy.  

I am so excited for you to see how quickly you can shift your energy and how wonderful it feels.  "By small and simple things, are great things brought to pass.  I'm so glad you are here Let’s begin.


Journal Prompts

Journaling can bring answers in fast. I’m including some journal prompts to help bring more clarity into your personal situation and activate and strenghten your intuition.  To journal, you will want to copy a prompt down on a separate piece of paper, skip a line and write everything and anything that comes to your mind. When you feel that you have received an answer you can move onto the next question, write it down, skip a line, and repeat the process one question at a time. It helps if you are hydrated and grounded.  Taking 3 purposeful deep breaths will also help before you begin.

Tapping Scripts

Tapping is a way of downloading new beliefs and energy that you want to have in your life into your energy.  To tap, you will want to use your four fingers and gently tap on an area of your body, usually your forehead or collarbone while repeating each line out loud 3 times each.  (If you are in a public space, you can imagine yourself tapping and repeating these out loud in your mind.)

If you feel any resistance to these tapping scripts, I encourage you to take a few minutes to scribble on "resistance to tapping scripts for this session" until your hand creates the oval, or shake the resistance energy out by shaking your hands, then tap in the tapping scripts again.

When finished place your hands on your heart and breathe these in.

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